Venue: The Hub
1 – 3 Hillview Place, Bentley
Saturday 14th December 2024
1.45pm Masterclass – Business Owners Only
2.55pm Registration for Guests
3pm – 4pm – Business Presentation
Tickets: Business Owners $10
Processing Fees Apply
Guests $Free (need to rsvp)
Business Owners only: 1.45pm sharp
Guests and Independent Business Owners: 2.55pm Registration for 3pm start till 4pm
Business Presentation, how to get your business off to a quick start with important success steps to focus on.
Spaces are limited – secure your seats now and be among the first to discover what’s in store for ACN Pacific!
This event is for ACN Independent Business Owners and their guests.
Venue: The Hub
1 – 3 Hillview Place (Level 1)
Bentley WA 6102
Times: Registration – see times listed above.
Event concludes 4pm.
Tickets: $10 Business Owners – Guests $Free – MUST RSVP
+ processing fees
or phone TAZ Tix 9255 3336
PARKING: Please take note of parking signage – not all bays are allocated for this venue.
Please Note: Best online booking experience is by using the Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge browsers.
Payment and Ticket Printing: On completion of your booking you will receive a payment confirmation email from TAZ Tix Administrator with your tickets attached.
Payment is by visa, mastercard credit or debit card.
There is no requirement to print tickets. When you check in at the Registration Desk they have a Door-List which they cross reference with, they can see your booking is under your name and that your booking is paid for.
Your bank statement will show
Any queries please call TAZ Tix on 9255 3336 or email here