Melville Theatre presents
A contemporary drama by Nick Payne
Directed by Brendan Ellis
Venue: Melville Theatre @ Camelot
cnr Stock Rd & Canning Hwy, Palmyra
Performance Dates: May 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16*, 20, 21, 22
Times: All evening shows at 8.00pm, *except Sunday 16th at 2pm
Tickets: $23 Full, $18 Concession
Groups 10+ @ $18 each
transaction fees apply
Bookings: TAZ Tix 9255 3336 or Book Online
“Princeton, New Jersey. 1955. Thomas Stoltz Harvey performs the autopsy on Albert Einstein – and then steals his brain.
Bath, England. 1953. Henry undergoes pioneering brain surgery. The surgery changes Henry’s life, and the history of neuroscience.
London, England. The Present. Martha is a clinical neuropsychologist. When her marriage breaks down she starts to make radically different choices.
Three interwoven stories exploring the nature of identity and how we are defined by what we remember, Incognito is an exhilarating exploration of what it means to be human.”
Twisting trio of tales explores brain’s games
PUT your thinking caps on and get ready for a real brainteaser as four actors play 21 characters in three interconnected stories.
Written by Nick Payne and directed by Brendan Ellis at Melville Theatre, Incognito explores the brain, memory and self and asks if our brains play games, tricking us to believe different things at various times.
Three mysterious storylines involve the theft of Albert Einstein’s brain, a man who has lived the same day for 60 years and a modern woman who has come to a crossroads in the middle of her life.
“Incognito takes three stories and brings them together into one breathtaking whole that asks whether memory and identity are nothing but illusion,” Ellis said.
“The four actors play four to six characters each over the course of 30 scenes, with some scene changes lasting less than a second.
“We also jump forward and backward in time over the three different storylines, so there are several challenges in conveying all of that to the audience.”
Acting for the past 15 years, Ellis has appeared in numerous productions with Stirling, Playlovers and Limelight Theatres, ARENAarts and Fringe World.
He started directing in 2010 and has won a variety of awards for his productions of A Conversation, Ninety, The One Day of the Year, Cloudstreet and Constellations, also by Nick Payne.
“I chose to direct Incognito because the show is modern, heart-breaking and unlike most other shows produced in Perth theatre,” Ellis said.
Featuring: Suzannah Churchman, William Everett-Knight, Ruhama Rowe, Grant Malcolm.
A message from Melville Theatre: Re Covid Requirements – The State Government has relaxed venue capacity limits and Melville Theatre is following the current guidelines.
Patrons will be required to scan the WASafe QR code from their smart phones on arrival or fill out the attendance sheet on check in. All of these requirements will be reviewed again as per government recommendations.
Wheelchair & Companion Card holders please phone to make your booking.
Venue: Melville Theatre
Corner Stock Rd & Canning Hwy, Palmyra
GPS: 393A Canning Hwy, Palmyra (entry off Stock Rd)
Performance Dates: May 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16*, 20, 21, 22
Times: All evening shows at 8.00pm, *except Sunday 16th at 2pm
(Doors open 45 minutes prior to curtain)
Please arrive at the box office to check in
Cash/Card bar
$23 Full, $18 Concession
Groups 10+ @ $18 each
Transaction fees apply